MS symptoms: Does Diet Make a Difference in Multiple Sclerosis

low-fat_diets_fats6sBoy do MSers have a dilemma now! New studies show that low-fat diets reduce fatigue for multiple sclerosis patients while other studies report high-fat diets prevent disease. The small, year-long multiple sclerosis research states that MS patients had less fatigue on a plant-based diet and low saturated fats of the McDougall Diet. MS patients were divided into two groups with one eating the prescribed diet while the other staying with a normal diet. No placebo group was done with a non-MS group of people. Therefore, my thought is that possibly everyone would experience this increase in energy while on the McDougall Diet. Though the diet did not change MRI lesions, relapses or disability scores, it did show improvement on quality of life and mood scores.

Hebrew University of Jerusalem completed a two-year study finding that diets high in fats and low in carbohydrates actually, “lower blood sugar, improve blood lipids, aid absorption of vitamins, increase metabolism, decrease insulin resistance, increase good HDL cholesterol, decrease inflammation, decrease cardiovascular disease, improve organ health, and improve weight loss.” (Prevent Disease)

For more information read ScienceDaily’s, “Low-fat diet helps fatigue in people with MS, study shows” at: and Prevent Disease’s, “Why Low-Fat Diets Make You Fat” at: Image from Prevent Disease.

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.