The mission of is to provide hope to others. To inspire, encourage and educate. To expose the humor in living with MS symptoms. To recognize fear and face the darker sides of MS symptoms with strength and determination. To examine and then inform others on the latest research on multiple sclerosis. will enlighten family members, celebrate caregivers, and examine their MS symptoms. The site will help to improve the lives of those managing MS symptoms and their loved ones.
My goal is to discover more ways to overcome MS symptoms, provide insight into the daily life of an MS patient, and succeed at directing the course MS will take in my life and others.
Disclaimer: The information found on this webpage is strictly from my literature review or based on my personal experiences. Readers are encouraged to seek the primary resources for the content provided, and often a link to such information is included in my posts. Do not replace a doctor’s advice or the need to visit with your doctor with information obtained from my blog. #MS #multiplesclerosis