I’m giving away one of my secret resources of MS news, https://www.sciencedaily.com/news/mind_brain/multiple_sclerosis/. A world of information even beyond multiple sclerosis, ScienceDaily.com has the latest information on MS research. Easy to read and loaded with applicable topics to MS patients, I strongly suggested the curious to add them to their bookmarks. An example to today’s headlines for multiple sclerosis:
- MS: Video Games Improve Connections
- Pregnancy: Vit D Deficiency May Up Baby’s MS
- New MRI Technique Offers Faster Diagnosis of MS
- Gene Study Offers Hope for Brain Disorders
- MS Drug Tied to Rising JC Virus Levels
- Source of Mental Problems Associated with MS
- Taking Vitamin D May Benefit People with MS
- Supplement for Myelin Regeneration
- Helping MS Patients Avoid Relapses
- Certain Herpes Viruses Can Infect Neurons