Years ago I quit Copaxone. Four years into the treatment, I gave up and for the next year went to a shot every other day ultimately leading to a relapse that would force me on to medical disability. As of January 28, 2014 patients can now take 40 mg/mL of Copaxone three times per week rather than the former 20 mg/ML daily with the same efficacy and safety rates.
The idea for the change in dosage began with researchers at Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan where the local MS population amounts to 16,000 patients. 14,000 patients world-wide participated in the study led by Wayne State.
On an interesting side note, I spent the majority of my childhood in the Detroit area and five of those years living in Wayne State University campus housing while my mother attended school there. Fun tidbit.
Information from, ”FDA pproved New MS Treatment Regimen” at