MS symptoms: Celebrating Our Successes in Life

CelebrateI once read a book about a character with a dream to climb the mountain by his valley. One day he decided go for it! He climbed all day hoping to see the sunset. The climb was extremely difficult and taxing. As he reached the top of the mountain the sun went down. He was very upset in missing it.

Observing the climber and greeting him at the top was another man. He asked the climber why he was so angry. It seemed to him that the climber should be celebrating his success of achieving a long held dream.

I believe perspective is huge in the happiness of our lives. Celebration and recognition of achievements despite the odds gives us motivation and a sense of well-being.

I am about to celebrate reaching my goal of writing this blog for one year on October 17, 2014. There are other goals and items on my bucket list I want to do. I am contemplating whether I should celebrate the success of “The Year of the MS Blog” and restructure it to be only my story from this year or to continue on as it is now.

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About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.