Who Laughs at MS Fatigue & Short-Term Memory?

imagesToo weak to do another thing, I plopped down on the couch and starred at the TV for half an hour. Then I turned it on.

From my Facebook account I clicked on Prince of Wales Island Trade & Sell FB, a local bulletin board. Finishing the post I was interested in I perused the proceeding posts, soon became confused and wondered how so many unfamiliar people were showing up on my FB. I became irritated, preferring to read only of my friends and family. Imagine my relief when I realized my mistake. Then, I giggled at myself.

You see, even MS fatigue & short-term memory can give you a giggle.

I can even laugh at the appearance of the television I grew up watching. Image from, wellnessnetworkblog.blogspot.com.

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of www.MSsymptoms.me. As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.