If you have been following the MSsymptoms.me blog and/or the Melissa Cook@MSsymptomsme on Twitter, than you know a bit about me. With a background in teaching and school administration, I look critically at multiple sclerosis research and share my MS story. I believe in living life to the fullest and choosing happiness. My goal is to help others with multiple sclerosis through research review and by providing the readers with a sense of understanding through my personal experiences in living with the disease.
Brad Mann has multiple sclerosis, narcolepsy, thyroid disease and REM sleep behavior disorder. With a young family Brad and his wife, Robynn, greet their challenges head-on by writing for @EverydayHealth, keeping up their Twitter account with the latest research and hosting a resource-packed website, Sleeping with MS at: http://sleepingwithms.com.
Suzanne Robins, the author of “Faulty Writing: Living with Invisible MS”, is very active in writing on the topic of multiple sclerosis. Her Twitter account, @suzannemrobins is filled with the latest information on MS. Suzanne’s website, Invisible Multiple Sclerosis, (http://www.invisiblems.com) is another jam-packed site filled with information, links to excellent resources and sprinkled with her photography.
All of the panelists host websites on multiple sclerosis, report on the latest research, and are active in sharing their stories and experiences. Tune-in to the one-hour discussion tomorrow at 6 pm on Cure Panel Talk Radio at: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/curepanel/2014/07/16/multiple-sclerosis-with-drbarry-singer.