Hurt, Hurt, Hurt – MS Pain

PainFixing dinner tonight I felt pain throughout my body. What the heck? Don’t tell me I forgot to take my pain pill again. Darn! As I chopped vegetables I thought about pain in my life. For years the first thing doctors heard from me was, “I hurt”. I did hurt. Hurt, hurt, hurt. All over body pain. And do you know, not one doctor helped me with that pain for years? This amazed me as I thought about it. Every single appointment began with “I hurt.” I didn’t have to live with that pain. There are several medications for MS pain. Currently I take Lyrica, a godsend for pain relief.  One Tylenol and one ibuprofen was also recommended by my pharmacist with the Lyrica on bad days. has the most complete list of pain medications for MS that I have found. MSRRTC has an excellent page on pain management at: Image from:

About the Author

Melissa Cook
Melissa Cook is the author of As a retired high school teacher and school district administrator, she chooses to share her MS story in hopes of benefiting others.